Thursday, October 10, 2019

My New found family

Image result for friends are family

I am so excited that I can call two people that mean a lot to me family. I met them in august and spending time with them everyday has made me even closer to them. Not everyone is going to sit there while your balling your eyes out about some family issues and console you. Not everyone is going to pick up the phone in the middle of the night just because you have a nightmare but these to friends will.  At first it was hard letting someone get so close me and the last person to get this close to me was my boyfriend and we've been strong and sticking together for 2.5 years. I get tired of him sometimes yes but he has become like my family and not I have an addition. My dad could tell that I was happier about being at school so I told him about my new found family and he said just be aware don't get too relaxed around them.

I believe this is going to workout I mean again positivity is key and it's what's going to get me through college. I hope I never lose my friends. I understand that not everything is going to be peachy. Welll I'm nervous but lets see how this goes. I hope I didn't speak too soon.

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