Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thoughts On English 103 So Far

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I remember my junior year in high school I took AP Language arts.  I was able to pass the class with a C but I was disappointed in myself because I took the class because I thought I was a good writer but my teacher didn't think so apparently. At least not good enough for an A or an B. That class did help me strengthen my written and now I appreciate taking that class. Now that I am a collegiate scholar I find myself enjoying writing and expressing myself. I feel very confident that I will be able to perform well in English 103.

English 103 is a class that I am really enjoying right now especially writing the micro-theme. I can actually write a paper about how I feel about something and I appreciate that. In high school I just use to write 8 page papers about some sort of research and that really made me hate writing.  When Dr. Kyburz talked about this assignment I was excited to get started because now I could express in a paper a problem I saw and talk about how it affects me.  I look forward to many interesting writing topics Dr. Kyburz may throw my way. I am feeling good about English 103!

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