Writing my personal essay was hard for me especially because I'm not use to spilling my emotions out in the open like that. It was so hard trying not to cry while I was writing my personal essay and I couldn't believe I was even able to let so much out. My heart felt like a thousand pounds beating inside my chest. I like being able to express my emotions tho. I was able to get this off of my chest and I felt so much better. I'm glad I was given this assignment and share a little bit about my life. I was especially scared open up about my depression and not knowing how people would react to the fact that I have major depressive disorder. I learned that authenticity is the best policy when writing a paper like this. I learned a lot about myself in this paper and a lot about this writing style. I also learned for the first time that whenever there is dialog in a paper you have to make it a paragraph on it's own. I am grateful to have learned this skill and I will continue to use it in my writing throughout my whole college career. So again I really appreciated this project and I hope I am able to do more writing like this again sometime in college.